I have lived in my current house for 10 years now and never
have been up in the attic.
In my defense, however, I have several good reasons why.
First and foremost, the only access to the attic is what is called
a “hatch” in the
Even though I’ve never ventured into the attic, I do know a
few things about it. I know it has an
electric light in it. I found this out by accident when I noticed that my
closet had two light switches in it. One turned on the light in the closet. The
other turned on... nothing...or at least I thought it didn’t.
But I was lying in bed my first night in the house and
noticed a very dim light coming from underneath the closet door. Thinking
someone had broken into the house and was using a flashlight to see if I might
have a diamond necklace stuffed into one of my shoe boxes, I grabbed the lamp
(to use as a weapon) on the nightstand and crept toward the closet. With one
hand holding the lamp above my head so I could smash it over an intruder’s head
if necessary, I grabbed the door handle with my other hand and flung open the
door. The dim light turned out to be coming down through the gaps around the
attic’s hatch-door in the ceiling.
I also learned the attic had a smoke detector in
it...mainly because it kept randomly blaring at all hours of the day and night.
I’m not talking about that annoying “low battery” chirping, I’m talking about
full-out blaring, as if the attic were engulfed in flames. The first time, I
called the fire department. They lugged
in their own ladder, climbed up there, changed the battery in the detector and
assured me there was no fire.
“How do you expect me, a woman of an ‘advanced’ age, to keep
changing that battery myself?” I asked them
They shrugged, as if to say, “Hey lady, that’s your
The second time the detector in the attic went off, only a few days later, I wasn’t home, so a jogger who
happened to hear the blaring called the fire department. Luckily, I arrived
home only seconds before they were about to chop down my front door. Once
again, nothing seemed amiss.
Fast forward to four false alarms later. The fire department
finally removed the detector from the attic and handed it to me.
“This detector obviously is faulty,” the fireman said. “You
don’t really need one up there anyway. By the time the smoke from a house fire would rise high enough to reach that detector, you’d already be dead.”
At least the blaring finally stopped.
One day, my uncle, out of curiosity, grabbed a step-ladder,
stood on the very top of it and hoisted himself up into the attic so he could
explore it. When he climbed back down, he informed me there was nothing up
there because it had no floor – and he’d had to carefully walk from beam to
“Good thing I have good balance,” he said. “Otherwise you might have seen me come falling through the ceiling!”
His words served only to give me yet another good reason
never to go up there.
But I’ve been having so many problems with my basement, my
attic is beginning to seem more appealing to me – as a possible future storage
“My basement is always damp and smells like mildew, even
with two dehumidifiers running constantly,” I told one of my friends the other
night. “I’m thinking that a nice dry attic might be a much better place to
store my stuff. All it needs is a floor and some stairs going up there.”
“Does the attic have full-sized windows?” he asked.
“No, no windows at all. Only a hatch-door in the floor.”
He burst out laughing. “Then how do you suppose they’re
going to get big sheets of plywood up there to make a floor, if your only
access is a small hatch?”
I frowned at him. “In small pieces?”
I must confess, however, that having no access into the
attic actually gives me a small sense of comfort, especially lately. That’s because for the past few weeks I have
been hearing noises up there. The
noises are not the pitter-patter of little feet, such as if squirrels or mice
were scampering around. No, these sound like a 200-lb. man wearing combat boots
stomping on the beams. Even my dogs look up at the ceiling and growl.
It makes me wonder how whatever is up there got up there in
the first place, especially if it’s as big as it sounds.
Still, seeing there are no pull-down steps or a ladder
leading up to the attic, it means that whatever is up there has no way of
climbing down into my closet either.
Unless it’s really, really tall.
Or it comes crashing through the ceiling.
Maybe I should call the fire department again.
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