there’s one thing I’ve learned about Facebook, it’s that you never know what
you’re going to find on there. In addition to a zillion close-up photos of
people's dinners, kids and grandkids, along with volumes of inspirational
messages and quotes, there are a lot of things people ask you to pass on to
others – usually to no fewer than 10 friends.
The other day, a woman posted a list of the things that
make her happy. She asked others to pass it along and add their own “happy things”
to the list. Her goal, she said, was to spread happiness to as many people
as humanly possible.
although I admire her efforts, I think maybe I’m getting a little too cynical
and crotchety in my old age, because all I could think about while reading her
“things that make me happy” list was she must be only about 20 years old…and
related to Mary Poppins.
So, as
she requested, I am going to add my own “happy things” to her
list. But I have the feeling I’m going to be a lot more realistic about all of this happy stuff.
Here goes:
SHE’S HAPPY: To wake up each morning, see the sun streaming in through
her bedroom window and start a fresh new day.
wake up each morning and learn that the “snap, crackle and “pop” sounds are coming from my breakfast cereal and not my joints.
SHE’S HAPPY: To look in the bathroom mirror and smile at her reflection, telling herself that although she's not a raving beauty, she's still special.
HAPPY: To look in the bathroom mirror and find it so splattered with soap and toothpaste, I no longer can see my reflection and frighten myself.
SHE’S HAPPY: To take a warm,
relaxing bath before starting the day.
HAPPY: When I have enough hot water to
soak anything higher than my bunions.
SHE’S HAPPY: To read the morning paper,
enjoying the good news and
the bad.
HAPPY: To read the morning paper and not
see my name in the
SHE’S HAPPY: To share a nourishing breakfast
with her family.
HAPPY: To find at least one slice of bread without any green on it so I can pop it into the toaster.
SHE’S HAPPY: To see beautiful, delicate
snowflakes floating past her window.
HAPPY: To have memorized the phone
number of a good chiropractor so I can use it
after I’ve finished shoveling 1200 tons of those beautiful, delicate
SHE’S HAPPY: To answer her
phone and hear the voice of a dear friend.
answer the phone and discover that for a change, it’s not
guy trying to sell me a cow-of-the-month freezer plan.
SHE’S HAPPY: To occasionally treat herself to
a pretty new dress that makes
feel oh-so-feminine.
HAPPY: When sweatpants and thermal
underwear go on sale.
SHE’S HAPPY: To generously make regular
donations to charity.
after I finish paying all of the monthly bills, I have some
left over that actually folds, not jingles.
SHE’S HAPPY: To lie in bed
and listen to the rain gently falling on the roof.
HAPPY: To lie in bed and not get
splashed between the eyes by the rain gently leaking through the roof.
SHE’S HAPPY: To plant a rock
garden in her yard and watch all of the lovely flowers bloom.
HAPPY: I’ve finally developed an
immunity to poison ivy.
SHE’S HAPPY: To treat herself to a
nice fresh apple or orange, and savor each bite.
HAPPY: To treat myself to a five-pound
bag of M&Ms and one each of every donut sold at Dunkin’ Donuts.
SHE’S HAPPY: When she receives a handmade gift
from one of her
HAPPY: When my dogs don’t leave me any
“gifts," especially on
SHE’S HAPPY: To run barefoot through the grass
and feel its softness
between her toes.
HAPPY: (See my previous answer, and
substitute “lawn” for “carpet”).
SHE’S HAPPY: To hear the
sweet songs of the birds in the trees.
HAPPY: When all of the squawking crows
and blue jays get laryngitis.
SHE’S HAPPY: To share all of her happy
thoughts with the rest of the world via Facebook.
hasn’t been cloned.
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