feeling really excited this week because after six years, the Driveway from
Hell finally is going to be paved. My driveway has been a proverbial thorn in
my side ever since the first day it was created, back in 2007. I have never
liked it, and obviously, it’s never been too fond of me, either, because all
it’s ever done is cause me grief. I swear there is a family of evil trolls
living underneath it.
one thing, it never was supposed to exist. When I first checked out the land,
all 7.5 acres of it, as a prospective place to build a house, it had a dirt,
weed-covered driveway leading from a nice cul-de-sac with several houses
nearby. The driveway ended in an area of the land that already had been cleared
– a perfect spot for our future house.
wasn’t until after my husband and I bought the land that we learned we couldn’t
get a driveway permit for the existing driveway. The town informed us that the
only place we’d be permitted to put a driveway would be on the far side of the
property, in the middle of nowhere on a private road.
still can remember standing at the “permitted” spot and staring at nothing but
thick woods crammed with giant, towering trees, and wondering how on earth I
ever was going to put a driveway through there. Images of Tarzan, carrying a
machete and swinging through the trees, came to mind.
ended up hiring a contractor and a surveyor and they set to work. Four months
and nearly $20,000 later, I had a driveway – all 400 feet of it. The darned thing was so long, it looked as
if it should have had a tollbooth at the end of it.
The contractor then decided to line the new
driveway with truckloads of crushed rock. The rocks were pretty big and
sharp-edged. Walking on them was like walking over a landslide. And trying to
plow the driveway after a snowstorm also was a disaster, because most of the
rocks ended up on my front lawn. By the end of the year, I was so fed up, I
called in another contractor to get rid of the rocks and put down gravel.

gravel driveway was much smoother underfoot, but it still made a mess when it
was plowed. Instead of chunks of rock landing on my lawn, the plow spewed
gravel everywhere, including on my front porch. After the spring thaw, I raked
up over 40 buckets of gravel from the lawn. And even then, when I mowed the
grass, the mower kept kicking up gravel and pelting me with it.
also had a difficult time adjusting to such a long driveway. Where we used to
live, I could run out in my nightgown to get the mail. But with a 400-ft.
driveway, it was more like a hike. I had to put on my jogging outfit and
running shoes just to make it down to the mailbox. The same with taking out the
trash. By the time I wheeled the barrels to the end of the driveway, especially
through all of the gravel, I nearly needed CPR.
the cost of hiring someone to plow the driveway was astronomical. One month,
when we had four snowstorms, I nearly had to mortgage the house to pay the guy.
gravel finally irritated me to the point where I decided to replace it with
something else – some kind of mixture of dirt and recycled bits of asphalt. The
asphalt in the dirt was supposed to help pack it down and make it more solid.
looked good and seemed solid, but I soon learned it caused another problem I
hadn’t had with the chunks of rock or the gravel. Rain transformed the driveway
into a 400-ft. strip of mud. When I walked down to get the mail, the mud would
suck the shoes right off my feet. And every time a truck drove up the driveway,
it left huge tire-track ruts that never flattened out. The driveway ended up
looking like a topographical map of the Himalayas.
year before last, when we had a bad snowstorm in October, the ground wasn’t yet
frozen, so when the plow came to clear my driveway, I ended up with a mountain
of mud in the middle of my front lawn. I’m not exaggerating, the pile was
taller than I was, and a whole lot wider. While other people were shoveling
snow, I was shoveling mud. And the dogs and I tracked so much of it into the
house, I could have sprinkled seeds on the floors and grown a crop of corn.
only reason why I’d never had the driveway paved was because the guy who built
it told me it would cost over $20,000 because the driveway was so long. But over
time, I came to realize that with the money I’d already spent on the rocks,
gravel and dirt, I probably could have paid for enough asphalt to pave my
entire neighborhood.
this year I finally got brave and called several paving companies for estimates,
even though I was pretty sure I’d need a defibrillator when I heard the cost. I
was shocked to learn it was about half of what I’d anticipated. I even blurted
out to one of the pavers when he quoted his price, “Is that all?”
I rarely hear that!” he said, shaking his head and chuckling. “I can charge you
more, if it will make you happy.”
week, the pavers I hired arrived to prepare my driveway for paving. They
smoothed it and packed it down, evened it out and leveled it. A good portion of
the job was done with some piece of heavy equipment that vibrated the ground.
It also vibrated the house. By the end of the day, every picture on my walls
was crooked, my kitchen drawers all had popped open, and I was reaching for the
any day now, I finally will have a nice, smooth asphalted driveway. I can’t
the evil trolls that live underneath it won’t poke up their ugly heads and
crack it.
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